파트너쉽 웹사이트
국제교육협회 NAFSA: Association of International Educators www.nafsa.org
유럽국제교육협회 EAIE: European Association for 3International Educators www.eaie.org
국제교육교류협회 JAFSA: Japan Network for International Education www.jafsa.org
한국국제교육자협회 KAIE: Korean Association of International Educators www.kaie.org
UMAP: University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific umap.org
IIE: Institute of International Education www.iie.org
국제학생교환프로그램 ISEP: International Student Exchange Program www.isepstudyabroad.org
CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange www.ciee.org
ICEF: International Consultants for Education and Fairs www.icef.com
한미교육위원단 Korean-American Educational Commission www.fulbright.or.kr
교육부 Ministry of Education www.moe.go.kr
국립국제교육원 National Institute for International Education www.niied.go.kr
한국대학교육협의회 고등교육연수원 hrd.kcue.or.kr
한국대학교육협의회 Korean Council of University Education www.kcue.or.kr
대학교육(대학교육협의회 잡지) magazine.kcue.or.kr
한국연구재단 National Research Foundation of Korea www.nrf.re.kr
주한영국문화원 British Council in Korea www.britishcouncil.org